

Reduce your human resources burden
我們知道您網站的安全性在當今的數位環境中至關重要。因此,我們提供一整套安全措施,包括安全風險評估和審計 (SRAA) 以及第三方審計報告服務,以保護您的線上狀態並保障您的業務。

We understand that the security of your website is paramount in today's digital landscape. That's why we offer a comprehensive suite of security measures, including the Security Risk Assessment and Audit (SRAA) and third-party audit reporting services, to protect your online presence and safeguard your business.

安全風險評估和審計 (SRAA)

Security Risk Assessment and Audit (SRAA)

我們的 SRAA 服務可對您網站的安全狀況進行全面評估,識別潛在的漏洞和需要改進的地方。我們經驗豐富的安全專家團隊將:

  • 對網站的架構、程式碼和基礎設施進行全面分析。
  • 評估目前安全控制和措施的有效性。
  • 識別潛在的安全風險和漏洞並確定其優先順序。
  • 提供詳細的報告以及可行的建議,以增強網站的安全性。
Our SRAA service provides a thorough evaluation of your website's security posture, identifying potential vulnerabilities and areas of improvement. Our team of experienced security experts will:

  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of your website's architecture, code, and infrastructure.
  • Assess the effectiveness of your current security controls and measures.
  • Identify and prioritize potential security risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Provide a detailed report with actionable recommendations to enhance your website's security.


Third-Party Audit Reporting

除了我們的內部 SRAA 之外,我們還可以促進第三方安全審核,以對您網站的安全性提供獨立、客觀的評估。我們的服務包括:

  • 與值得信賴的安全審計公司協調進行全面評估。
  • 審查和分析審計結果,以確定關鍵問題和建議的解決方案。
  • 準備一份詳細的報告,總結審計結果和我們的建議。
  • 透過結合我們的 SRAA 和第三方審核報告服務,我們可以為您提供對網站安全狀況的全面了解,並提供清晰的路線圖來加強您的線上防禦。
In addition to our internal SRAA, we can also facilitate third-party security audits to provide an independent and objective assessment of your website's security. Our services include:

  • Coordinating with trusted security auditing firms to conduct comprehensive assessments.
  • Reviewing and analyzing the audit findings to identify critical issues and recommended solutions.
  • Preparing a detailed report that summarizes the audit results and our recommendations.
  • By combining our SRAA and third-party audit reporting services, we can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your website's security posture and a clear roadmap to strengthen your online defenses.


Why Choose Our Security Measures Services?




Our team of security specialists has extensive experience in identifying and mitigating website vulnerabilities, ensuring your online presence is protected.


Customized Approach


We tailor our security measures to meet the unique requirements of your business, ensuring that your website's security is optimized for your specific needs.


Compliance and Regulations

我們的服務可協助您遵守行業標準和法規,例如 GDPR、PCI-DSS 和 HIPAA,從而降低昂貴的罰款和處罰的風險。

Our services help you stay compliant with industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR, PCI-DSS, and HIPAA, reducing the risk of costly fines and penalties.


Ongoing Support


We provide continuous monitoring and support to ensure that your website's security remains robust and up-to-date, even as new threats emerge.


Peace of Mind


By entrusting your website's security to us, you can focus on growing your business, confident that your online presence is well-protected.



什麼是安全風險評估和審計 (SRAA)?

What is a Security Risk Assessment and Audit (SRAA)?


Why is a third-party audit important?


How often should I conduct a security audit?


What are the benefits of using your security measures services?


How do I get started with your security measures services?

你們是否提供 24/7 安全事件監控?

Do you offer 24/7 monitoring for security incidents?


Related Services / Information


World Class Support


Our consultant team is standing by to serve you for what you need. We provide consultations to help you make use of your web for the best of your business.

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